updated cnr-rmi-api version to 2.3.0
changed datasource-manager-rmi to 4.0.1-SNAPSHOT
updated the client for the new validatorService
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release uoa-clients-1.0.0
removed dependency for icm-funcionality-apiupdated indexWSClient to use the new indexClient from package dnet-index-client 1.1.0 []removed unneeded packages for dataaccessService and storeService
preparing for release
added SMC info
fixed dependencies
updated datasource-manager-rmi version to 3.0.1updated to support findNextScheduledExecution method of datasourcemanagerservice
removing icm-enabling-api, icm-enabling-aas-common, icm-data-information-api
copy of uoa-clients to start working on spring4