


# Date Author Comment
46428 27/03/2017 12:02 AM Panagiotis Kanakakis
46391 21/03/2017 04:02 PM Panagiotis Kanakakis
46374 21/03/2017 12:47 AM Panagiotis Kanakakis
46351 20/03/2017 02:17 AM Panagiotis Kanakakis
45738 06/02/2017 05:20 PM Panagiotis Kanakakis
45729 06/02/2017 03:35 PM Panagiotis Kanakakis
41124 30/01/2016 01:09 AM Stefania Martziou

- Added a global average
- Added averages per country/organisation/publisher
- Added an info message for the users on the top of the Statistics page
- Statistics page now public for all users

40586 21/12/2015 11:22 PM Stefania Martziou

Statistics menu appears only to moderators

40138 30/11/2015 01:27 AM Stefania Martziou

Added a new Statistics menu item

36913 04/05/2015 06:16 PM Stefania Martziou

- Changed the help menu to support
- Added a submenu in support "Eligible Projects" which shows the eligible projects by organization
- Added a link to the home page that links to the Eligible Projects submenu

36759 28/04/2015 11:10 AM Stefania Martziou

Added the acocunting monitor menu items

36467 17/04/2015 10:24 PM Stefania Martziou

Added functionality to add help texts

36199 08/04/2015 01:15 PM Stefania Martziou

Implemented forgot your password functionality

36110 06/04/2015 08:26 PM Stefania Martziou

Added monitor budgets functionality and fixed various bugs

36072 05/04/2015 12:14 AM Stefania Martziou

Added a captcha widget to contact us form and user registration form

35933 02/04/2015 03:28 PM Stefania Martziou

Added an empty monitor budget submenu

35661 25/03/2015 11:49 PM Stefania Martziou

Monitor menu appers only on moderators or administrators

35630 25/03/2015 03:23 PM Stefania Martziou

Fixed a problem with the first navigate (onModuleLoad())

35582 24/03/2015 04:14 PM Stefania Martziou

Changed the way we handle the history items and I know keep the current and previous token so that when needed I can go back to where I previously was.

35507 19/03/2015 01:52 PM Stefania Martziou

Completed edit account info and added a clear method in all the major widgets so that when we navigate again in a widget its state is cleared

35292 11/03/2015 07:36 PM Stefania Martziou

Added more functionality

35007 03/03/2015 04:46 PM Stefania Martziou

Initial commit