


# Date Author Comment
45729 06/02/2017 03:35 PM Panagiotis Kanakakis
37787 15/06/2015 02:13 PM Stefania Martziou

Made the contact modal dynamic safe (when the modal is hidden, it removes handlers and removes it from DOM). This also fixed the problem with the captcha (after the first time loading the contact form, the captcha was not visible anymore)

37259 15/05/2015 12:22 PM Stefania Martziou

Added the code for the contact us links after loading the help texts as well

36624 22/04/2015 06:03 PM Stefania Martziou

- if help page is empty I am not showing the box on the right, if it is not empty, I show it at the bottom (The help box ALWAYS goes in the bottom if there are other boxes on the right panel)
- In page new Funding Request, we do not show the current selections sidebar panel when there are no selections.

36467 17/04/2015 10:24 PM Stefania Martziou

Added functionality to add help texts