


# Date Author Comment
45729 06/02/2017 03:35 PM Panagiotis Kanakakis
40138 30/11/2015 01:27 AM Stefania Martziou

Added a new Statistics menu item

36946 06/05/2015 10:18 AM Stefania Martziou

Moved the text for error, warning and success alerts in properties

36913 04/05/2015 06:16 PM Stefania Martziou

- Changed the help menu to support
- Added a submenu in support "Eligible Projects" which shows the eligible projects by organization
- Added a link to the home page that links to the Eligible Projects submenu

36759 28/04/2015 11:10 AM Stefania Martziou

Added the acocunting monitor menu items

36624 22/04/2015 06:03 PM Stefania Martziou

- if help page is empty I am not showing the box on the right, if it is not empty, I show it at the bottom (The help box ALWAYS goes in the bottom if there are other boxes on the right panel)
- In page new Funding Request, we do not show the current selections sidebar panel when there are no selections.

36579 22/04/2015 12:50 PM Stefania Martziou

Added functionality of one help text per step in the funding request wizard

36467 17/04/2015 10:24 PM Stefania Martziou

Added functionality to add help texts