


# Date Author Comment
36072 05/04/2015 12:14 AM Stefania Martziou

Added a captcha widget to contact us form and user registration form

35903 01/04/2015 06:46 PM Stefania Martziou

Some more styling changes

35843 31/03/2015 01:24 AM Stefania Martziou

Fixed the style of the home page

35842 31/03/2015 12:56 AM Stefania Martziou

Changed the layout of the portal

35700 27/03/2015 02:50 AM Stefania Martziou

Temp commit for functionality and many styling changes

35292 11/03/2015 07:36 PM Stefania Martziou

Added more functionality

35007 03/03/2015 04:46 PM Stefania Martziou

Initial commit