


# Date Author Comment
36089 05/04/2015 09:34 PM Antonis Lempesis

Affiliation id is no longer a sequence. Publication affiliations are now saved correctly

35840 30/03/2015 08:25 PM Antonis Lempesis

Fixes in doi resolution

35831 30/03/2015 07:10 PM Antonis Lempesis

fixed a npe

35749 27/03/2015 09:02 PM Antonis Lempesis

added unique id in person, removed email as pk

35679 26/03/2015 12:38 PM Stefania Martziou

Fixed some bugs in getPublication

35669 26/03/2015 01:32 AM Antonis Lempesis

enriching responses

35639 25/03/2015 04:12 PM Antonis Lempesis

- Added a getRequestForUser method
- added funding info in request
- made a human friendly id for requests
- merged issn and eissn in journals

35542 21/03/2015 01:03 PM Antonis Lempesis

added invoice handling code

35535 20/03/2015 04:42 PM Antonis Lempesis

loading affiliations for publications

35521 20/03/2015 02:16 AM Antonis Lempesis

- Saving publications
- Changed journal and publisher save to update or insert

35518 19/03/2015 06:12 PM Antonis Lempesis

- Throwing Exceptions in doi resolution
- First implementation of save and get in publication dao

35516 19/03/2015 05:49 PM Antonis Lempesis

added type and identifiers of resolved publication

35509 19/03/2015 02:37 PM Antonis Lempesis

minor fixes in doi resolving

35508 19/03/2015 02:31 PM Antonis Lempesis

resolving dois

35502 19/03/2015 01:04 PM Antonis Lempesis

fixed compilation error

35501 19/03/2015 01:03 PM Antonis Lempesis


35480 18/03/2015 08:06 PM Antonis Lempesis

returning the saved publication

35468 18/03/2015 06:33 PM Antonis Lempesis

- Garbage cleanup
- Added publisher in request
- Added functionality in publisher and journal managers/daos

35440 18/03/2015 12:02 PM Antonis Lempesis

importing code