


# Date Author Comment
43560 05/09/2016 12:37 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

claim.php :give the list of projects / concepts when inserting a new document, add under curation message, change language parameter in search, ignore the size parameter for search/ browse results and limit it to default value when > 50 in advanced search results, use the hostedbyname filed for the name of data providers

41351 18/02/2016 11:42 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Remove com_openaire for joomla version 1.5

41306 15/02/2016 02:00 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Add one more parameter (doi) when claiming with external result

40630 05/01/2016 04:55 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

In Claim model, a new case is added for parsing claims of type 'updates2actions'

40629 05/01/2016 01:18 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

In Claim model change the getContexts method in order to parse every context and to return only those that have at least one category and the category have attribute claim=true

37958 24/06/2015 07:43 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

changes for js conflicts, changing search, search tabs, advancesearch, tabs/ css fixes in all components, funders new fileds, new field contextid -> communityId, filters in repositories,

37088 08/05/2015 05:29 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Changes after installing new template(yoo_sixthAvenue)

35722 27/03/2015 11:02 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Natalia's layout changes from joomla 2.5 - Claims admin page: bug fixed for deleting claim

35459 18/03/2015 05:17 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

adding folder for Joomla 3 component