refine transformer is set from method parameter
added csv, tsv, html format support
- synchronized for SolrClient query - synchronized for get client from cache- zookeeper version changed to 3.4.5-cdh4.3.0
- mdformat field is exposed on search service profile <PROPERTY value={mdformat} key="mdformat"/>- mdformat field is changed when blackboard message is received and the new value is updated in search service profile- if the search service profile exists and contains the mdformat property the search service parameter is set based on this value. if not the value is set from services.search.mdFormat property...
Closing #925 - empty fromDate results in resultdateofacceptance within * ...
taking care of multiple ids for objidentifier, relpersonid, resulthostingdatasourceid, relprojectid - closing #926
Closing #348 - added descriptor for opensearch and produce the correct result
Closing #928 #930 #931 with refinements in api parameters and error messaging - Closing #894 introdusing sygma model
Resolving 2 issues - #862 Updated the query parameter that search service sends to index service. The extra "query=" was removed. It was causing CQL parser error.- #348 It partially resolves the issue with the rss format. The format is supported but the openSearch descriptor is still missing.
adding shards.tolerant parameter to every search query after suggestion in #786
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