Revision 36485
Added by Argiro Kokogiannaki over 9 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- dnet40
- modules
- uoa-joomla
- trunk
- joomla-3.4
- plugins
- predis
- .git
- .gitignore
- .travis.yml
- autoload.php
- bin
- composer.json
- examples
- CustomDistributionStrategy.php
- DispatcherLoop.php
- KeyPrefixes.php
- MasterSlaveReplication.php
- MasterSlaveReplicationComplex.php
- MonitorContext.php
- MultiBulkReplyIterators.php
- MultipleSetAndGet.php
- PipelineContext.php
- PubSubContext.php
- RedisCollectionsIterators.php
- ServerSideScripting.php
- SessionHandler.php
- SharedConfigurations.php
- SimpleDebuggableConnection.php
- SimpleSetAndGet.php
- TransactionWithCAS.php
- lib
- Predis
- Autoloader.php
- BasicClientInterface.php
- Client.php
- ClientException.php
- ClientInterface.php
- Cluster
- Collection
- Command
- AbstractCommand.php
- CommandInterface.php
- ConnectionAuth.php
- ConnectionEcho.php
- ConnectionPing.php
- ConnectionQuit.php
- ConnectionSelect.php
- HashDelete.php
- HashExists.php
- HashGet.php
- HashGetAll.php
- HashGetMultiple.php
- HashIncrementBy.php
- HashIncrementByFloat.php
- HashKeys.php
- HashLength.php
- HashScan.php
- HashSet.php
- HashSetMultiple.php
- HashSetPreserve.php
- HashValues.php
- KeyDelete.php
- KeyDump.php
- KeyExists.php
- KeyExpire.php
- KeyExpireAt.php
- KeyKeys.php
- KeyKeysV12x.php
- KeyMove.php
- KeyPersist.php
- KeyPreciseExpire.php
- KeyPreciseExpireAt.php
- KeyPreciseTimeToLive.php
- KeyRandom.php
- KeyRename.php
- KeyRenamePreserve.php
- KeyRestore.php
- KeyScan.php
- KeySort.php
- KeyTimeToLive.php
- KeyType.php
- ListIndex.php
- ListInsert.php
- ListLength.php
- ListPopFirst.php
- ListPopFirstBlocking.php
- ListPopLast.php
- ListPopLastBlocking.php
- ListPopLastPushHead.php
- ListPopLastPushHeadBlocking.php
- ListPushHead.php
- ListPushHeadX.php
- ListPushTail.php
- ListPushTailX.php
- ListRange.php
- ListRemove.php
- ListSet.php
- ListTrim.php
- PrefixHelpers.php
- PrefixableCommand.php
- PrefixableCommandInterface.php
- Processor
- PubSubPublish.php
- PubSubSubscribe.php
- PubSubSubscribeByPattern.php
- PubSubUnsubscribe.php
- PubSubUnsubscribeByPattern.php
- RawCommand.php
- ScriptedCommand.php
- ServerBackgroundRewriteAOF.php
- ServerBackgroundSave.php
- ServerClient.php
- ServerConfig.php
- ServerDatabaseSize.php
- ServerEval.php
- ServerEvalSHA.php
- ServerFlushAll.php
- ServerFlushDatabase.php
- ServerInfo.php
- ServerInfoV26x.php
- ServerLastSave.php
- ServerMonitor.php
- ServerObject.php
- ServerSave.php
- ServerScript.php
- ServerShutdown.php
- ServerSlaveOf.php
- ServerSlowlog.php
- ServerTime.php
- SetAdd.php
- SetCardinality.php
- SetDifference.php
- SetDifferenceStore.php
- SetIntersection.php
- SetIntersectionStore.php
- SetIsMember.php
- SetMembers.php
- SetMove.php
- SetPop.php
- SetRandomMember.php
- SetRemove.php
- SetScan.php
- SetUnion.php
- SetUnionStore.php
- StringAppend.php
- StringBitCount.php
- StringBitOp.php
- StringDecrement.php
- StringDecrementBy.php
- StringGet.php
- StringGetBit.php
- StringGetMultiple.php
- StringGetRange.php
- StringGetSet.php
- StringIncrement.php
- StringIncrementBy.php
- StringIncrementByFloat.php
- StringPreciseSetExpire.php
- StringSet.php
- StringSetBit.php
- StringSetExpire.php
- StringSetMultiple.php
- StringSetMultiplePreserve.php
- StringSetPreserve.php
- StringSetRange.php
- StringStrlen.php
- StringSubstr.php
- TransactionDiscard.php
- TransactionExec.php
- TransactionMulti.php
- TransactionUnwatch.php
- TransactionWatch.php
- ZSetAdd.php
- ZSetCardinality.php
- ZSetCount.php
- ZSetIncrementBy.php
- ZSetIntersectionStore.php
- ZSetRange.php
- ZSetRangeByScore.php
- ZSetRank.php
- ZSetRemove.php
- ZSetRemoveRangeByRank.php
- ZSetRemoveRangeByScore.php
- ZSetReverseRange.php
- ZSetReverseRangeByScore.php
- ZSetReverseRank.php
- ZSetScan.php
- ZSetScore.php
- ZSetUnionStore.php
- CommunicationException.php
- Connection
- AbstractConnection.php
- AggregatedConnectionInterface.php
- ClusterConnectionInterface.php
- ComposableConnectionInterface.php
- ComposableStreamConnection.php
- ConnectionException.php
- ConnectionFactory.php
- ConnectionFactoryInterface.php
- ConnectionInterface.php
- ConnectionParameters.php
- ConnectionParametersInterface.php
- MasterSlaveReplication.php
- PhpiredisConnection.php
- PhpiredisStreamConnection.php
- PredisCluster.php
- RedisCluster.php
- ReplicationConnectionInterface.php
- SingleConnectionInterface.php
- StreamConnection.php
- WebdisConnection.php
- ExecutableContextInterface.php
- Helpers.php
- Iterator
- Monitor
- NotSupportedException.php
- Option
- Pipeline
- PredisException.php
- Profile
- Protocol
- PubSub
- Replication
- ResponseError.php
- ResponseErrorInterface.php
- ResponseObjectInterface.php
- ResponseQueued.php
- ServerException.php
- Session
- Transaction
- Predis
- package.ini
- phpunit.xml.dist
- phpunit.xml.travisci
- tests
- PHPUnit
- Predis
- ClientExceptionTest.php
- ClientTest.php
- Cluster
- Collection
- Command
- CommandTest.php
- ConnectionAuthTest.php
- ConnectionEchoTest.php
- ConnectionPingTest.php
- ConnectionQuitTest.php
- ConnectionSelectTest.php
- HashDeleteTest.php
- HashExistsTest.php
- HashGetAllTest.php
- HashGetMultipleTest.php
- HashGetTest.php
- HashIncrementByFloatTest.php
- HashIncrementByTest.php
- HashKeysTest.php
- HashLengthTest.php
- HashScanTest.php
- HashSetMultipleTest.php
- HashSetPreserveTest.php
- HashSetTest.php
- HashValuesTest.php
- KeyDeleteTest.php
- KeyDumpTest.php
- KeyExistsTest.php
- KeyExpireAtTest.php
- KeyExpireTest.php
- KeyKeysTest.php
- KeyKeysV12xTest.php
- KeyMoveTest.php
- KeyPersistTest.php
- KeyPreciseExpireAtTest.php
- KeyPreciseExpireTest.php
- KeyPreciseTimeToLiveTest.php
- KeyRandomTest.php
- KeyRenamePreserveTest.php
- KeyRenameTest.php
- KeyRestoreTest.php
- KeyScanTest.php
- KeySortTest.php
- KeyTimeToLiveTest.php
- KeyTypeTest.php
- ListIndexTest.php
- ListInsertTest.php
- ListLengthTest.php
- ListPopFirstBlockingTest.php
- ListPopFirstTest.php
- ListPopLastBlockingTest.php
- ListPopLastPushHeadBlockingTest.php
- ListPopLastPushHeadTest.php
- ListPopLastTest.php
- ListPushHeadTest.php
- ListPushHeadXTest.php
- ListPushTailTest.php
- ListPushTailXTest.php
- ListRangeTest.php
- ListRemoveTest.php
- ListSetTest.php
- ListTrimTest.php
- PrefixHelpersTest.php
- PrefixableCommandTest.php
- Processor
- PubSubPublishTest.php
- PubSubSubscribeByPatternTest.php
- PubSubSubscribeTest.php
- PubSubUnsubscribeByPatternTest.php
- PubSubUnsubscribeTest.php
- RawCommandTest.php
- ScriptedCommandTest.php
- ServerBackgroundRewriteAOFTest.php
- ServerBackgroundSaveTest.php
- ServerClientTest.php
- ServerConfigTest.php
- ServerDatabaseSizeTest.php
- ServerEvalSHATest.php
- ServerEvalTest.php
- ServerFlushAllTest.php
- ServerFlushDatabaseTest.php
- ServerInfoTest.php
- ServerInfoV26xTest.php
- ServerLastSaveTest.php
- ServerMonitorTest.php
- ServerObjectTest.php
- ServerSaveTest.php
- ServerScriptTest.php
- ServerShutdownTest.php
- ServerSlaveOfTest.php
- ServerSlowlogTest.php
- ServerTimeTest.php
- SetAddTest.php
- SetCardinalityTest.php
- SetDifferenceStoreTest.php
- SetDifferenceTest.php
- SetIntersectionStoreTest.php
- SetIntersectionTest.php
- SetIsMemberTest.php
- SetMembersTest.php
- SetMoveTest.php
- SetPopTest.php
- SetRandomMemberTest.php
- SetRemoveTest.php
- SetScanTest.php
- SetUnionStoreTest.php
- SetUnionTest.php
- StringAppendTest.php
- StringBitCountTest.php
- StringBitOpTest.php
- StringDecrementByTest.php
- StringDecrementTest.php
- StringGetBitTest.php
- StringGetMultipleTest.php
- StringGetRangeTest.php
- StringGetSetTest.php
- StringGetTest.php
- StringIncrementByFloatTest.php
- StringIncrementByTest.php
- StringIncrementTest.php
- StringPreciseSetExpireTest.php
- StringSetBitTest.php
- StringSetExpireTest.php
- StringSetMultiplePreserveTest.php
- StringSetMultipleTest.php
- StringSetPreserveTest.php
- StringSetRangeTest.php
- StringSetTest.php
- StringStrlenTest.php
- StringSubstrTest.php
- TransactionDiscardTest.php
- TransactionExecTest.php
- TransactionMultiTest.php
- TransactionUnwatchTest.php
- TransactionWatchTest.php
- ZSetAddTest.php
- ZSetCardinalityTest.php
- ZSetCountTest.php
- ZSetIncrementByTest.php
- ZSetIntersectionStoreTest.php
- ZSetRangeByScoreTest.php
- ZSetRangeTest.php
- ZSetRankTest.php
- ZSetRemoveRangeByRankTest.php
- ZSetRemoveRangeByScoreTest.php
- ZSetRemoveTest.php
- ZSetReverseRangeByScoreTest.php
- ZSetReverseRangeTest.php
- ZSetReverseRankTest.php
- ZSetScanTest.php
- ZSetScoreTest.php
- ZSetUnionStoreTest.php
- CommunicationExceptionTest.php
- Connection
- HelpersTest.php
- Iterator
- Monitor
- Option
- Pipeline
- PredisExceptionTest.php
- Profile
- Protocol
- PubSub
- Replication
- ResponseErrorTest.php
- ResponseQueuedTest.php
- ServerExceptionTest.php
- Transaction
- bootstrap.php
- joomla-3.4
- trunk
- uoa-joomla
- modules
add the predis folder and sym links to it for joomla 3