


1 10567 antonis.le
compulsoryField = This field must have a value
identicalPasswords = Passwords must be identical
notValidEmail = Invalid email adress
4 11122 manos.karv
userAlreadyExists = This user already exists
5 10567 antonis.le
noActivationId = The activation id was not specified
numericalValue = This field must have a numerical value
recordsLessThan1 = At least 1 record must be used
invalidBaseUrl = Invalid base Url
9 10818 manos.karv
alreadyRepo = Repository already exists. You may need to activate it.
10 10567 antonis.le
noAdminEmail = This repository does not provide an administrator email. Registration cannot continue.
notBelongsToYou = This job doesn't belong to you or doesn't exist
12 10818 manos.karv
uknownError = Unknown Error
requiredFieldNoValue = A required field(*) has no value
14 11266 manos.karv
wrongFieldValue = This field has an invalid value
15 11432 antonis.le
jobError = Your repository failed to validate. An automatic error report has been sent to the system administrator. You will soon be contacted with the reason for the error and any further actions that might be needed.
16 12185 manos.karv
generic.error = An unexpected error has occurred and the administrator was automatically notified. Please try again later.
17 12368 manos.karv
login.manual = Please login manually using your account from the OpenAIRE portal
18 12417 manos.karv
registration.notOpenDoar = The registration of repositories not in OpenDoar is disabled
19 14018 manos.karv
job.noTasks = It appears that this test is empty. Likely causes are the following: <br><br>1. The test is still running <br>2. The chosen set didn't contain any records (e.g., the ec_fundedresources set is empty) <br>3. The test contained no rules <br>4. An unexpected error occurred and might be resolved if you try again later <br><br>If you think that none of the above reasons applies, please report this issue using <a href="[0]=-1">this form</a>.
20 29660 nikon.gasp
registration.modeNotSelected = It appears that you haven\'t chosen the correct type of repository. Please choose 'JOIN OPENAIRE' from main menu and choose the right one.
21 14018 manos.karv
registration.noAggregated = It appears that you repository is part of an aggregator. Your repository will be automatically registered when the aggregator registers in OpenAIRE. Aggregator Name