


1 16981 mateusz.ko
Description of the project
3 17053 mateusz.ko
This project is tightly integrated with the `icm-iis-core` project. It contains **examples of usage of various types of workflow nodes** defined in `icm-iis-core`. A single example is supposed to serve as a reference/template for a person implementing their own concrete workflow node of a certain type. By the way, the examples are at the same time unit tests, so we know that they work ;)
4 16981 mateusz.ko
5 17095 mateusz.ko
Workflow tests using Oozie testing facilities
7 17254 mateusz.ko
This project contains tests of various types of workflow nodes. If you want to **implement analogous workflow tests in some other project**, your test case class will have to inherit from the `icm-iis-core`'s ` eu.dnetlib.iis.core.AbstractWorkflowTestCase` class. Please read the description given in the javadoc of `eu.dnetlib.iis.core.AbstractWorkflowTestCase` class for more details and see other test case classes in this project for example workflow tests.
8 17095 mateusz.ko
9 16981 mateusz.ko
11 16968 mateusz.ko
See the `src/main/scripts` directory for sample scripts that build Oozie workflow packages.