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Revision 47533

Loading message in every tab (with extra query) of landing pages | checks for undefined, null, empty simplified in html templates of landing pages | changed data-uk-tooltip to uk-tooltip | Organization landing: rename CSV buttons | Dataproviders landing: add both publications-datasets tabs at the same time | Projects landing: to get number of datasets, add a function to fetchDatasets class instead of calling directly search service | Publication & Dataset landing: added ul-light class for better visibility on dark background on tooltip in funded by section | Publication landing: small bug fix in journal display & journal/publisher display in download from section | Datasets landing: small bug fix in publisher display in download from section | claims project manager: search form moved to top, save changes button moved under pending claims | filters' modal of search pages moved to filters' component (old component not removed yet) and became smaller | Compatible dataproviders page: small bug fixes in url, filters, filter-name: changed to Funder from Funder database

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