[Trunk | Claims API]: MetricsService.java: In KPI metrics "claims" KPI renamed to "claims_recorded".
[Trunk | Claims API]: MetricsService.java: Added API call methods to calculate and return metrics for claim KPIs (only /report/metrics is needed for Prometheus).
[Trunk | Claims API]: ClaimsService.java: 1. [Bug fix] Call "this.emailSender.getManagerUtils().isCommunityManager()" instead of "this.emailSender.getCommunityUtils().isCommunityManager()" 2. In method "getUserEmailNotificationPreferences()" (/users/notification) set notification.setOpenaireName with openaireId (we do not query community API anymore and we do not have community name).
Get notifications return 404 if not found 403 if no manager or curator
Do not initialize notifications if nothing found in the db - Return 204
Claim Service:Notifications:- allow save/ get notifications for community curators- add method to compose 200 response- return 403 if user is not among the managers or the curators
Claims Service: get Community claims: Add check if user is manager in communityAPI
Create functions for common code:Authorization: hasBasicAuthorizationClaims Service: getInfoAndBuildClaim that gets jsonObjects and extracts the information needed for "buildAndInsertClaim"
-Rename HelloWorldService to ClaimsService-Remove methods for communites and ISLookUpService imports
HelloWorldService.java: Add 'testEmail' get method to send test email to specific users (Argiro K. & Konstantina G.) for some test community - path: 'test-email'.
HelloWorldService.java: Add 'forceSendEmailNotifications' method to send email notifications now from path 'email-notifications'.
1. HelloWorldService.java: a. replace method 'project/claims', with method 'projects/{projectId}/all_claims' (no token but projectId) b. add method '/users/notification' to get user email preferences from 'notification' table c. add method '/users/notification/save' to insert a new notification entry or update an existing in 'notification' table...
HelloWorldService.java: in method for path 'project/claims' return claims: either if user's email is included in 'contact_person' field of 'project' table of postgres databaase or if user has 'Curator - Project' role.
add more roles for community curators | distinct admin and claim curators
fixing issues with types filter - change the parameter for types
add better logs
add a logger
use the email from the userinfo
change the roles | handle common roles with openminted | change role parsing
Removing thrift leftovers
correct error code in 403 messages.
MERGE newClaimsAPI 42190:48301
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