


# Date Author Comment
57087 17/09/2019 12:22 PM Ioannis Diplas

Checking whether or not metadataPrefix is null or empty beforing setting it

57070 13/09/2019 11:33 AM Ioannis Diplas

Reverting the || job.isUpdate()

57006 10/09/2019 12:00 PM Ioannis Diplas

Cleaning up and adding the OR clause (job.isRegistration || job.isUpdate)

56962 04/09/2019 02:22 PM Ioannis Diplas
55423 26/04/2019 09:43 AM Andreas Czerniak

add metadataPrefix oai_openaire for compatibility of Lit.v4 guidelines

55394 17/04/2019 01:22 PM Antonis Lempesis

- Returning the validation score in the bb message
- Fixed the metadataPrefix passed to the OAI-PMH Harvester

47446 02/06/2017 12:32 PM Antonis Lempesis

moving to dnet45