[Trunk | Monitor Service]: uoa-authorization-library dependency added:1. pom.xml: Added dependencies for spring security and for uoa-authorization-library | [Bug fix] spring boot version set to 1.5.8 (it was accidentally set to 1.5.18 and library was not compatible)....
[Trunk | Monitor Service]: CategoryController.java & SubCategoryController.java & TopicController.java: In "onUpdateDefaultTopic()" method, when "name" is changed, update also "alias" according to default profile.
[Trunk | Monitor Service]:1. TopicController.java & CategoryController.java & SubCategoryController.java: New methods for reorder added.2. CategoryController.java: Method "checkForExceptions()" added.3. IndicatorController.java: [Bug Fix] When updating a default indicator and all indicators based on that are updated too, set description field when needed (not name again).
[Trunk | Monitor Service]: 1. Adding parameter in delete methods to delete or disconnect all profiles based on the default one that is being deleted (not for stakeholder). 2. In delete methods remove iterations (for deleting inner elements) and call "deleteTree()" method.
[Trunk | Monitor Service]:1. trunk/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/uoamonitorservice: New folders for tests.2. ExceptionsHandler.java: Replace "log.debug" with "log.error".3. Stakeholder.java: Field 'description' and getter/ setter methods added.4. Topic.java: Field 'icon' and getter/ setter methods added | In method "copyFromDefault()", set "isActive" and "isPublic" fields of new Topic same as the values from default Topic....
[Trunk | Monitor Service]: 1. pom.xml: Comment dependency of "uoa-help-texts-library" and add dependency of "uoa-admin-tools-library" | Add dependency of "spring-boot-starter-test".2. MongoConnection.java: Replace basePackage "eu.dnetlib.uoahelptexts.dao" with "eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.dao"....
[Trunk | Monitor Service]:1. Stakeholder.java: Field 'name' added.2. Section.java: In method 'copyFromDefault()' initialize indicators (empty list).3. StakeholderDAO.java & MongoDBStakeholderDAO.java: Added method 'Stakeholder findByTopicsContaining(String topic);' (needed to find in which Stakeholder a Topic belongs - section needs stakeholderAlias)....
[Trunk | Monitor Service]: SectionController: [Bug fix] In method "saveSection()" (/{stakeholderId}/{topicId}/{categoryId}/{subcategoryId}/save/{index}) a. Pathvariable "index" is required - if index == -1, ignore it and add section in the end of the list....
[Trunk | Monitor Service]:1. SectionController.java: In 'saveSection()' method add in path index where section will be stored in subcategory (path: /{stakeholderId}/{topicId}/{categoryId}/{subcategoryId}/save/{index}).2. IndicatorController.java: In 'parameterMapping()' method add replacement in number url - add 'urlEncode()' helper method.
[Trunk | Monitor Service]:1. Section entity level added. Hierarchy changed from: Stakeholder > Topic > Category > SubCategory > Indicator to: Stakeholder > Topic > Category > SubCategory > Section > Indicator.2. Section.java & SectionDAO.java & MongoDBSectionDAO.java & SectionController.java: New entity 'Section', DAOs for Section, Controller for section added....
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