


Core entity dataset » History » Version 6

Alessia Bardi, 30/04/2015 05:49 PM

1 2 Paolo Manghi
h1. Core entity dataset (isA [[core_entity_result|Result]])
2 1 Paolo Manghi
4 6 Alessia Bardi
| Resource Type | [[type_structured_property|Structured(-, Qualifier, -)]] | 0..1 | It expresses the nature of the dataset, maps datacite:resourceType. Qualifier.class is "dnet:dataCite_resource": |
5 5 Alessia Bardi
| Device | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] | 0..1 | Information about the device used to generate the dataset|
6 3 Alessia Bardi
| Size | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]]| 0..1 | |
7 4 Alessia Bardi
| Version | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]]| 0..1 |Information about the version of the dataset, maps datacite:size |
8 5 Alessia Bardi
| Last Metadata Update | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] | 0..1 | The last update date of the metadata of the dataset |
| Metadata Version | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] | 0..1 | Information about the version of the metadata of the dataset |