


Core entity dataset » History » Version 9

Alessia Bardi, 22/02/2017 02:55 PM
resource type is a property of dataset only

1 2 Paolo Manghi
h1. Core entity dataset (isA [[core_entity_result|Result]])
2 1 Paolo Manghi
4 9 Alessia Bardi
| Resource Type | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] | 0..N | Type of the dataset. While the Instance Type must conform to a controlled vocabulary, a value in this field is a free-text string|
5 5 Alessia Bardi
| Device | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] | 0..1 | Information about the device used to generate the dataset|
6 3 Alessia Bardi
| Size | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]]| 0..1 | |
7 4 Alessia Bardi
| Version | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]]| 0..1 |Information about the version of the dataset, maps datacite:size |
8 7 Alessia Bardi
| Last Metadata Update | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] | 0..1 | The last update date of the metadata of the dataset. Note that the value type is String and not Date. This is due to the fact that OpenAIRE cannot ensure that providers export well encoded dates. |
9 5 Alessia Bardi
| Metadata Version | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] | 0..1 | Information about the version of the metadata of the dataset |