Core entity organization » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Alessia Bardi, 29/04/2015 11:10 AM) → Revision 4/6 (Alessia Bardi, 29/04/2015 03:51 PM)
h1. Core entity: Organization
An Organization is here intended as the (metadata) description/representation of an organization involved in the scholarly communication chain, such as companies, research centers and institutions involved as project partners or as responsible of operating [[core_entity_datasource|Datasources]].
Information about organizations is collected from entity registry datasources providing information about projects and CRIS systems.
Organizations collected from CORDA (datasource for the EC FP7 projects) belongs to a subclass of Organization: [[core_entity_cordaOrganization|CORDA Organization]].
| Legal short name | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] | 0..1 | |
| Legal name | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] | 0..1 | |
| Web site url | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] | 0..1 | |
| Logo url | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] | 0..1 ||
|CollectedFrom | [[core_entity_datasource|Datasource]] |1..N| A Datasource from which this Person has been collected (e.g. an aggregator of institutional repositories, an entity registry) |
|[[linking_entity_datasourceOrganization|Datasource_Organization]] | [[core_entity_datasource|Datasource]] |0..N| The Datasource related to this Organization. For example, if an organization has an institutional repositories, then the institutional repository is a Datasource related to the organization |
|[[linking_entity_projectOrganization|Project_Organization]] | [[core_entity_project|Project]] |0..N| The Project this Organization is involved into |