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Alessia Bardi, 28/04/2015 07:03 PM

Core entity: Person

A Person is here intended as the (metadata) description/representation of a person involved in the scholarly communication chain, such as scientific publications' authors, contributors, data scientists and project coordinators.

Property Type Multiplicity Description
First name Structured(String,-,Provenance) 0..1
Second name Structured(String,-,Provenance) 1..N
Full name Structured(String,-,Provenance) 0..1
Fax Structured(String,-,Provenance) 0..1
Email Structured(String,-,Provenance) 0..1
Phone Structured(String,-,Provenance) 0..1
Nationality Structured(-, Qualifier, -) 0..1
PID Structured(String,Qualifier,Provenance) 0..N unique and persistent identifier used to identify the person together with the relative identification agency, e.g., OrcidID
Relationship Target Multiplicity Description
CollectedFrom Datasource 1..N A Datasource from which this Person has been collected (e.g. an aggregator of institutional repositories, an entity registry)
Person_Project Project 0..N The Project this Person is somehow involved
Person_Result Result 0..N Result related (e.g. authored by) to this Person
Person_Person Person 0..N Link to other Person entities (e.g. co-authors)

Updated by Alessia Bardi almost 10 years ago · 2 revisions