Core entity project » History » Revision 4
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Alessia Bardi, 29/04/2015 04:23 PM
h1. Core entity: Project
A Project is here intended as the (metadata) description/representation of a research project.
| Project code | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 1..1 | |
| Title | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 1..1 | |
| Acronym | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..1 | |
| Call identifier | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..1 | |
| Contract type | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..1 | |
| Keywords | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..1 | |
| Web site url | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..1 | |
| Start date | Structured(Date,-,Provenance) | 0..1 ||
| End date | Structured(Date,-,Provenance) | 0..1 ||
| Duration | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..1 ||
| EC SC39 | Structured(Boolean,-,Provenance) | 0..1 |This property is only available for EC funded projects|
|CollectedFrom | Datasource |1..N| A Datasource from which this Project has been collected (e.g. an aggregator of institutional repositories, an entity registry) |
|Project_Organization | Organization |0..N| Organization involved in this project |
|Person_Project | Person |0..N| A Person involved in this Project |
|Project_FundingStream | FundingStream |1..N| Funding Stream that funded this project |
|Result_Project | Result |0..N| Result that is co-funded by this project |
Updated by Alessia Bardi almost 10 years ago · 4 revisions